Monday, December 30, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Entry Level Restaurant and Food Service Resume Template

Customize this Outstanding Entry Level Restaurant and Food Service Resume TemplateCustomize this Outstanding Entry Level Restaurant and Food Service Resume TemplateCreate ResumeLenny Lawson100 Main Street, Cityplace, CA, 91019 C (555) 322-7337example-emailexample.comSummaryWaitress experienced in taking food orders, operating cash registers and safely handling food while checking for proper temperatures.Energetic administrative assistance Dedicated and focused on,excels at prioritizing, completing multiple tasks simultaneously and following through to achieve project goals. Seeking a role of increased responsibility and authorityHighlightsCash handlingReliable kollektiv workerNeat, clean and professional appearanceComfortable standing for long time periodsMath and language skillsDelivers exceptional customer serviceEngaging personalityExcellent multi-taskerReliable and punctualMicrosoft Office proficiencyProfessional and matureStrong problem solverDedicated team playerStrong interpe rsonal skillsSelf-starterAccomplishmentsRecognized by peers and management for going above and beyond normal job functions.Increased office organization by developing more efficient filing system and customer database protocols.Coordinated all department functions for team of 10 employees.ExperienceWaitress Jan 2011 to May 2013Jerry BsKenedy , TXUp-sold additional menu items, beverages and desserts to increase restaurant profits.Took necessary steps to meet customer needs and effectively resolve food or service issues.Recorded customer orders and repeated them back in a clear, understandable manner.Correctly received orders, processed payments and responded appropriately to guest concerns.administrate assistant Jan 2008 to Jan 2010All tech ac heating companySan Antonio, TXManaged the receptionist area, including greeting visitors and responding to telephone and in-person requests for information.Handled all media and public relations inquiries.Maintained the front desk and recepti on area in a neat and organized fashion.Served as central point of contact for all outside vendors needing to gain access to the building.Made copies, sent faxes and handled all incoming and outgoing correspondence.EducationGED, Physical therapy 2007 Dilley High SchoolDilley, TX, united states nbspCustomize ResumeMore Customer Service Resume TemplatesExperienced Restaurant and Food Service Resume TemplatesEntry Level Technical Support Resume Templates

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

4 Common Coding Interview Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)

4 Common Coding Interview Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)4 Common Coding Interview Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them) Ah, the dreaded whiteboard coding einstellungsgesprch . Where youre thrown in front of a whiteboard, stripped of your usual code editor and hotkeys, and asked to solve a complicated data structures and algorithms question on the spot . Yikes. Its enough to make anyone a little nervous - even the most seasoned engineers.Lucky for you, you stumbled onto this post about the four most common coding interview mistakes Ive seen hundreds of candidates make. Let their mistakes be your unfair advantageNothing stops a coding interview dead in its tracks like a candidate saying, I dont really know how big O notation works. If you have any weaknesses here, this should be priority number one. Make sure youre 100 percent solid on big O notation . Make a habit of thinking about the big O time and space costs of all the code you write. And definitely ge t comfortable with logarithms - they come up more than you might think, and they take too many candidates completely by surprise.Before your next interview, take some time to read up on all the core computer science data structures . Know the strengths and weaknesses of each one. Focus on knowing when you should use each one.Its a very easy mistake to make. Youre chugging away at a problem, and your interviewer interrupts you to point something out. Okay, I see were doing a post-order traversal of the tree. And you have no idea what that means. But your first instinct is to just hope its not important. Or hope you can get away with pretending to know what that means. Or something. So you just say, Right. At first , it looks like youve gotten away with it. But it comes up again later. So, why did you choose to do a post-order traversal? Uh Youre busted. Not only do you not know what the heck post-order means but now you look dishonest . Because saying I dont know what that means at this point means also saying .I, uh, sort of pretended to know what that meant earlier. Best to nip this kind of problem in the bud before you end up in that situation.When your interviewer says something you dont understand, point it out immediately. texas tea right in. Because letting them think you understand is only going to make things messy later. Try to be as specific as possible about what you dont understand. It makes your thinking sound much more organized. Huge difference between Huh? and What does post-order mean in this context?I see this all the time. Youre a few minutes into the interview. Youre talking about the problem with your interviewer , batting around some ideas for how to get started. Suddenly you have this sinking feeling that a lot of time has gone by - and the whiteboard is still blank . You decide its time to get moving . Even though you dont know yet what your code is even going to do, you start writing it anyway.The fun ctions gotta have a name , right? So you write out a function declaration with a name and some arguments. Thats safe - well definitely need that. Maybe a closing brace at the bottom of the board. And theres going to be a loop in here, right? So lets throw a loop in there. I guess itll loop through that first argument? So you kinda sketch out a loop. Maybe you call a subroutine in there that handles some tricky part youre not sure yet how to handle. Ill write out that function later, you say.And then you realize youre sort of back to the drawing board, because you still have to figure out what your code is actually going to do - but now you have all this half-baked code on the board, which might already have bugs, or might already be pointing you in the wrong direction. That instinct to get moving and start writing code actually ended up hurting you. Because now another 10 minutes has passed, youre no closer to an algorithm, and you have messy, half-baked code scrawled all over the whiteboard.Instead, when that instinct kicks in, just pause. Take a moment. Breathe. Know that worrying about time isnt going to make you move faster. Lean into the moment. You could even say out loud , Im starting to feel like I should start writing code soon, but I know its no use to start writing code before I know what its going to do . Just get back to the problem at hand, and keep batting around ideas for how to solve the problem. Play around with a sample input on the whiteboard. Draw a picture of the data structure. Brainstorm. Trust that youre not supposed to know the answer right away thats what makes it a good coding interview problemAfter 45 long minutes, youve finished writing your code. Whew. You just want to turn your brain off and relax. You look at your interviewer expectantly - youre just waiting for them to say, Perfect Its perfect. But they dont. Instead, they say can you find any bugs in your code? You hope its a trick question, but you begr udgingly look back at your code. You step through each line, but youre not really debugging . Youre just sort of explaining the ansinnen of each line. Youre so hoping that your code is right that youre only seeing what you want to see. Youre not seeing the bugs. So, of course, you miss the bugs. And of course, your interviewer sees them.Heres how you actually debug whiteboard code. Write out a sample input. Something short enough that youll be able to get through the whole thing, but long enough that its not an edge case. Then walk through your code line by line. As it changes the input, actually change it on the board . If it makes new variables, write those on the board as well. Thats right - youre using your brain as the computer processor and the whiteboard as your computer memory. Its tedious, but thats the only way to debug code on the whiteboard. Oh, and once youre done, do the same thing with all the common edge cases. Empty arrays, single-element arrays, ne gative numbers, disconnected graphs, etc.Those are some of the most common coding interview mistakes. If you can avoid them, youll be bounds ahead of most other candidates. Now go groe nachfrage some practice problemsParker Phinney is the CEO of Interview Cake , which makes free guides and online courses on how to pass coding interviews.

Friday, December 20, 2019

9 Reasons to Love the Job You Have

9 Reasons to Love the Job You Have9 Reasons to Love the Job You HaveAre you less than positive about your current job? Feel schwimmbad about having to come to work every morning? Are you bored, frustrated, or just plain weary? Whatever your case may be, you really need to turn that around. Your job takes enormous amounts of your energy and time. Consequently, for happiness in life and positive mental health, you need to love the job you have. Heres why. You Deserve Work That You Love Thats right. Deserve. Every employee deserves to love, if not their current job, their work. If you believe this, take a look at that current job and figure out the aspects of the job or work that you love. Then decide how you will approach your job in a way that maximizes the time and energy that you expand on those tasks or goals. You will never love every aspect of your work, but you can change your mental focus from hating your job to making it work that you love. Talk to your boss about changing your job description to emphasize the aspects of your job that you are good at and love.Talk with your coworkers to find out where their interests lie. Perhaps you can trade off a component of your job that you dislike. Maybe a coworker would enjoy something that you hate. Having an Income Is Better Than Feeling Frustrated and Broke Make the best of bad circumstances while you job search. You want to make certain that you have a serious job offer before you professionally kiss your current employer goodbye. Focus on the fact that you are making money for doing the job. Make sure that your performance doesnt slip to the point at which your employer decides to fire you. It is much easier to find a new job when you are currently employed. Unemployed Americans find that the longer they are unemployed, the mora employers look at their credentials with suspicion. Employers like to landsee stability and stamina on resumes or they assume that youll leave their employ quickly, too. And yes, covert discrimination does exist, so particularly if you are over 40, make sure that you have the next opportunity in hand. You will also want to be prepared to answer every prospective employers interview question about why you want to leave your current job in a positive, uplifting, forward-thinking way. The Grass Is Always Greener on the Other Side of the Fence Remember that your next job will have its own set of problems. A colleague, Marcia Purse, says, What an important truth. My dad told me that when still living at home, I wanted to quit my first office job because I was so miserable. He said, No, because you need to learn to stick with something, and he also told me to learn to deal with problems because every job has them. A few years later, when I was again utterly miserable at a job, I remembered these words. So, I worked to solve the problems instead of quitting. I wound up working at that company for 23 years. Sometimes its better to have a set of problems, a bad boss, or unchallenging work that you know and can work to turn around. You never know, for sure, what awaits you in your next job. So, if youre looking, take the time to look and assess with care. Because to Change Jobs Is Not a Current Option A reader recently complained that no other job like the one she had even existed within 50 miles of her home. Her work was that specialized. She felt her children needed her more than she needed to spend a couple of hours commuting each day. Her husband had a stable job that he loved that brought in the bulk of their income. She felt stuck because of all of her life circumstances- at least for now. She can turn this situation around by taking the actions recommended in several of the other whys listed here. The possibility that she consider other career options that would be more children friendly. is also an option. But, in the meantime, especially because of all of her personal circumstances, shes going to work to love the job she ha s. You Want to Minimize Work-Related Stress and Potential Illness People who hate what they do every day are experiencing stress and anxiety 24 hours a day. They tend to focus on all of the bad parts of their job and life to the point where they miss the good parts. People who experience a lot of work-related stress are also prone to illness. Stress expert Elizabeth Scott says, According to a study by the British Medical Journal, chronic stress has been linked to the development of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, as well as other conditions. This is because they found a link between chronic job stress and metabolic syndrome. A group of factors that, together, increase the risk of several diseases, including high blood pressure, insulin resistance, central obesity (excessive abdominal fat, which has been linked to increased cortisol in the bloodstream, as well as several other health problems). They found that greater levels of job stress increased peoples chances of developin g metabolic syndrome the higher the stress level, the greater the chance of developing metabolic syndrome. Workers who have higher levels of job stress experience a greater incidence of the common cold, and call in sick more often. You face serious physical and mental health problems if you spend every day at a job that you hate. You Want to Limit the Effects of Job Dissatisfaction on Your Loved Ones Think that only you are affected if you hate your job? Thats not possible because you come home every day and talk about how much you hate your job. This adds stress and anxiety to the days of your family members. Even if you dont talk about it, your family members love you, and they hate to see you so sad. When you hate your job, you have less energy for the other important components of your life family, exercise, fun, friends, and hobbies. In a? worst-case scenario, a company opened a second location in a distant state and transferred twenty married couples to work at the new loc ation.? When anything went wrong at work, no respite existed at home. The double negative feelings interacted and festered and affected employee morale at work. And, there were no other employees to deflect the unhappiness. People Change Jobs Because They Wont Change Themselves Sometimes its not the job that needs to change. Its you. No matter where your bad attitude or outlook came from, you need to look at all aspects of your job to figure out what you can and cant change. If you focus on what you cant control, youll wallow in your misery, affect the morale of coworkers, and eventually, lose your job. We, humans, have such a bad habit of focusing on the worst factors. If you concentrate on the positive factors, instead, youll succeed. And who knows, maybe you will see things differently and come to love the job you have. You Want to Express Your Magnificent Capabilities and Skills If youre an employee, your ego and self-image are tied tightly into how successfully you perf orm on the job. Think about how you answer the question from a new acquaintance, what do you do? If you regard your job as a misery, you are not tapping into all of your best talents and skills. And, if youre not putting forth your best, even in trying situations, you are not celebrating who you are, what you bring to the workplace, Thats sad. Look at the job you have and decide where you can excel. Take joy in your accomplishments and how you express your talents and inner joy at work. What a waste if you focus on what you cant do and what you hate. Spend you thought time on what you can influence and what you can create. You Want to Create the Opportunity to Continue to Grow Your Skills and Experiences Most people want to succeed at work. But, when your focus is on how intensely you dislike your job, you are challenged to continue developing your skills. Even if you dislike what you are doing, you need to focus on the aspects of your skills and experiences that you want to kee p growing - even in less than ideal circumstances. Dont waste your opportunity to grow because you dont like your job. Get all that you can get from it by seizing the opportunity to continue to develop your skills.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Would You Hire Yourself

Would You Hire YourselfWould You Hire Yourself?Would You Hire YourselfWhile many of us think highly of our backgrounds and what we can bring to a potential employer, at the end of the day, would you really hire yourself if the decision was in your hands?To answer that question honestly, it is important for job seekers to take a few moments and reassess what exactly they can offer a potential employer. Among the things to look at includeWhat sets you apart from the competition and how would you convey that message during an interview?Am I ready to take on this job in the event I am hired or am I just sending out resumes blindly, elend really prepared for this job should I get the call?From past job interviews, what can I do better this time around to enhance the chances I get the job I want?The above-mentioned are just three areas to look at as you search for another job while employed or are out of the job market altogether and looking to get back in.Can You Sell Yourself?There is li ttle doubt that being able to sell yourself is key to increasing the odds of obtaining any job, be it a part-time gig or a potential full-time dream job. If you go into the interview process with some nervousness, that is fine going in with doubts about yourself and your abilities can be the kiss of death.As part of the pre-interview process, look at the following from an employers point of viewWhat would you be seeking from this candidate?Would the candidates education and work history play equal roles or would one overshadow the other?How much stock would you put in what the candidate does outside their work responsibilities? If a candidate told you they were a couch potato outside of the job, would that lessen your interest in them coming to work for you?Would how a job candidate dresses, talks, etc. be important to you or are results the only thing guiding you in your decision?As part of the post-interview process, look at the following from a candidates point of viewWhat did yo u want to accomplish in this interview and were your goals met?If there is one thing you would have liked to be able to do over again from the interview, what would it be?What did you learn from this interview that will influence you on your next one?Was I mora substance or more flash?Consider Interviewing a Learning ProcessEach interview you go on is different from the previous one and will not be the same as the next one.Keep in mind that employers doing the interviewing have different ways about how they conduct such meetings. Some are aggressive and to the point, while others are more laid back.What you want from an interview is the ability to sell yourself, plain and simple. If you go into the interview, make your points on why youre the best candidate for the job and why a company is wise to select you. If youve done that, youve done your job.In the event you dont get the job, you have wasted nothing. Look at each interview as a learning experience, one that will assist you to day, tomorrow, the next day and so on.Most importantly, remember, finding a job is a full-time job in and of itself.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Pitfall of Social Worker Resume

The Pitfall of Social Worker Resume The Battle Over Social Worker Resume and How to Win It Before going out on a work hunt for a new position in the specialty of social work, you must make certain your resume is all up to the job. Just be certain that its impressive, together with related to the job youre applying to. People trying to locate jobs will need to obtain a professional restart to make the most of their probability of job others. Youre also very likely to find more jobs and not as much competition in rural areas rather than cities. Many hiring managers are going to take a chance on a less-seasoned candidate if they are prepared to learn. Conclusion Crafting a social worker resume that catches the interest of hiring managers is essential for getting the job. You ought to be able to compose your social work resume on a SNAP scrip and receive the job. Alternatively, youve got to tailor your resume to find every job that you apply for. Choosing Good Social Worker Res ume If you ought to be applying for specialist occupations utilizing dominant businesses, you will need to have an expert CV that could supply you a fantastic welcome. Theres more than 1 kind of resume. Since every resume is a distinctive marketing and advertising tool, it should be written in a different method. Its possible to use our professionally created resume templates and one-of-a-kind resume builder to swiftly and easily establish a standout resume. What You Need to Do About Social Worker Resume Starting in the Next 4 Minutes If youve got the experience they are searching for, you should invariably use the identical language in your cover letter. Along with everything else you should have in your cover letter, ensure you tackle, head-on, the challenges linked to your relocation. It is important to tailor your cover letter to the particular job. An engaging cover letter is an amazing approach to find an employer to read your resume. Locating a job is one of the mo st stressful activities you are able to go through in life close to the divorce or deficiency of a relative. So, social workers help them move on with their regular lives in the greatest possible way, otherwise they will probably go in the state of depression or get started taking drugs or locate other outlets to manage their problems. A social worker gives support, ideas and education in an attempt to help individuals that are managing life issues like chronic or terminal illnesses, domestic difficulties or drug addiction. Every social worker, irrespective of experience, should consist of certain essential info on their resume. Hiring managers are accustomed to the conventional interview processnamely, an in-person meeting in their workplace. As much as experience is critical, it is not the one thing hiring managers want to find. You only ought to put jobs on a resume that are related to the role available. The staff ought to know in addition to have a responsibility once it has to do with fire answer. Secondly, you can get away with providing concrete information that does not need an excessive amount of explanation due to the situation which you are in. Finally, research makes it possible to understand whether a position is an excellent fit for you. To compose a strong social worker resume, you will need to give evidence of your capacity to help others. Below youll find an extensive collection of credentials available based on the horizont of your practice. Along with a 40-hour work week, social workers may find it essential to work some evenings and weekends to meet up with clients. Many states strictly require licensure to qualify for social work so that it would be rather hard to get entry immediately after graduation. Some states will ask that you obtain an expert license before youre able to practice. Perhaps you get a lower-level level, but more work experience. Approximately two decades of supervised clinical work experience is nec essary for licensure. In school, a certified social worker acts as a liaison between children, relatives and teachers. Continuing education is the very best approach to stay updated on the best practices in your preferred career. In many industries, you want to focus more on certain facets of your resume. You will usually have to pass an examination and work in the area under supervision to acquire licensing. You wish to express a true passion for and comprehension of youth and adolescents who find themselves in a range of situations. You could also incorporate specific social work approaches or practices which you were not able to mention in different sections of your resume. The Social Worker Resume Cover Up Try to consider the absolute most impressive thing youve done in social work, and set it on display. If you want more help, have a look at our guide about how to craft the perfect resume profile. If you have lots of social work experience, you should think about utili zing an expert summary. If your experiences require another page, do it Employing a resume format will help save you a great deal of time. Begin with the reverse-chronological resume format. Resume formats may be discovered and downloaded on the internet. The perfect format for your resume is shown in the example that you will just need to adjust for your own personal situation. In order to be a certified clinical social worker, you must get a proper training on the specific job. If youre aiming for advancement or a specialized region of Social Work make sure to find the acceptable Certifications before applying. Make certain you specify positions held. Be certain to indicate which position youre applying for.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Why Absolutely Everybody Is Talking About Resume Emailing

Why Absolutely Everybody Is Talking About Resume Emailing The Nuiances of Resume Emailing Odds are, the reader wont think that its funny, and might even discover that its irritating. You might need to make some minor formatting changes. Typos can definitely derail a resume. Faxing Your Resume Again, you will want to incorporate a cover letter once you fax in your resume. Resume Emailing Help Knowing the format by which the business assigns schmelzglas addresses, together with the hiring managers personenname will provide you with a wonderful idea about what the schmelzglas address is inclined to be. Provided that youve got the name of the hiring manager and the name of the business, you will be capable of making an educated guess. Its easier for a hiring manager to go the standard route to seek out your resume. You might not know the hiring manager, but you probably know somebody who does. What Resume Emailing Is - and What it Is Not Dont use HTML or other formatting op tions as you dont know which email client is used by the recruiter. When you have the correct software, you are able to choose to make your email resume from scratch or cut and paste it from another program. In the event the listing asks you to send your resume in a specific format, or asks you to save your resume beneath a particular name, be certain to achieve that. From time to time, youre going to be requested to complete an application form also. Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that can help you get your fantasy job. Your professional resume is still the fruchtwein effective tool youve got at your disposal when youre job hunting and employing a resume builder is a good way of nailing it. The path to landing your perfect dream job is achievable and definitely possible especially in case you have a great resume on hand. When it isnt formatted correctly, you might be passing up the work prospect. It might be the tight job market, but weve b een receiving an increasing number of letters responding to a particular job from candidates who arent in any way qualified for it, she states. At times, you can receive a work lead from a friend before the job was posted. When you havent, you must tell the recruiter why youre applying for the role, what you have to give and your understanding of the firm. The recruiter will understand your mail first when he logs in, possibility of obtaining a response is rather high. Position yourself now so that youll be in the proper place later. Job searching is tough and creating a well assemble application is time-consuming, so you need to only do it when youre in an excellent frame of mind. Youve got to look into the recipient of your email initially and target your message to them. Be careful concerning the time you opt to send your resume email. There is an assortment of steps involved with sending a resume via email. There are steps that you may take to make your resume email s tick out from the rest. It is very important to learn the status of your emailing application. Your resume email needs to be short and sweet. After that, move to LinkedIn to see whether it is possible to locate their email address. If you dont have the perfect email address, you may look up the providers profile on Google, LinkedIn, the site, or related public platforms. Attempt to disregard the cliches of the majority of articles saying that you always have to seem self-motivational. Too many things can fail. A good idea is to send the email to someone you understand first to look at your formatting works properly. Typos and tiny mistakes seem unprofessional. All About Resume Emailing Utilizing PAR statements permits you to describe real work examples and will provide the employer a concept of the impact its possible to bring to the table. Social networking isnt a cut-and-dry field. Great news is, you may have a shining online professional persona in a couple of easy s teps Email resume is a superb option, so long as they dont depart too far from the overall appearance and layout of a traditional resume. The Upside to Resume Emailing In case it looks fine then you may send it letter the employer. An expert cover letter should adhere to a very clear cover letter format. Upload your resume to have a professional resume review. Youre likely to understand how to compose a cover letter email immediately. Understanding Resume Emailing Asking for permission in order to add someone to your email advertising list is not only a courtesy, its a significant part your email programs long term success. When youre requested to email your work application to a company, you are able to either copy and paste your cover letter into the body of your email, or you are able to attach it like a file, together with your resume. A cover letter is a document alongside your resume that states and extra info about your abilities and experience. You must get your c over letter facing the folks that are doing the hiring.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Doctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America

Doctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyur top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.unterstellungrolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive zentralwert Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology zentralwert Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon zentralwert Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive zentralwert Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist zentralwert Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology zentralwert Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology zentralwert Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology zentralwert Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology zentralwert Salary $331,978 10) Physi cian - Nuclear Medicine zentralwert Salary $321,194 elend interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out yur worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons bedrngnis to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Yur Severance Package From ur trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.behauptungrolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive zentralwert Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology zentral wert Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon zentralwert Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive zentralwert Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist zentralwert Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology zentralwert Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology zentralwert Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology zentralwert Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology zentralwert Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine zentralwert Salary $321,194 elend interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons elend to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.unterstellungrolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someon e 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.ansichtrolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median S alary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitte rLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Care ers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Her e are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Domin ate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highes t Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Sal ary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequir eadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Sal ary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) P hysician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs , according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partn ers Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331, 978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From ou r trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$ 407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when sear ching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To K now About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) P hysician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) P hysician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookem ail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the medical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying JobsDoctors Dominate the 10 Highest Paying Jobs in America Search Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs Share this articleTwitterLinkedinFacebookemail Issalaryyour top priority when searching for a job?It may come as no surprise that doctors dominate the realm of high paying jobs, according to data.Theserolesrequireadvanced degrees and intense training,butyoull be sittingpretty onceyou start practicing. Here are jobs in the m edical field that come with hefty salaries 1) Physician - Cardiology - Invasive Median Salary$407,692 2) Physician - Radiology Median Salary $397,527 3) Surgeon Median Salary $377,479 4) Physician - Cardiology - Non-Invasive Median Salary $374,924 5) Anesthesiologist Median Salary $372,767 6) Physician - Gastroenterology Median Salary$363,721 7) Physician - Urology Median Salary $363,297 8) Physician -Otolaryngology Median Salary $359,887 9) Physician - Dermatology Median Salary $331,978 10) Physician - Nuclear Medicine Median Salary $321,194 Not interested in medical school but still want a high-paying job?Find out your worth.Related Content 7 Best Careers for the Future 7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone 9 Things To Know About Your Severance Package From our trusted Partners From our trusted Partners Home Articles Doctors Dominate High Paying Jobs

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How You Can Transition to a Career in HR

How You Can Transition to a Career in HRHow You Can Transition to a Career in HRPeriodically, a readers question has universal appeal and application so I am sharing both the question and my response. This particular question comes to me a lot, particularly from people who want to transition into the field of HR. With little to no formal education in HR and little job experience, what can the individual do to quickly impact their ability to work in the HR field? Readers Question Let me introduce myself. My name is Ann and I am a BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) graduate. I have several years of experience working as an accounts assistant, administration assistant, data entry operator and so on. I am 30 years old now and I wish to make upward progress in my career and menschenfreundlich Resources interests me. But all the HR vacancies (even HR assistants) require HR experience. So, I thought of studying further to increase my chances of getting an HR position. I am planning t o do a Graduate Certificate course in Australia and there are two options Graduate Certificate in Human ResourcesGraduate Certificate in Humanities and Social Science Which one do you think might give me a chance to put a foot in the door in HR? I would be most obliged if you could provide advice in this matter. Thank you for your time and thoughts. Human Resource Response I am unfamiliar with many graduate certificates, so it is difficult to comment on specific ones, but I would think that one that allowed HR coursework and businessstudiesif that is your goal, would be better. However, I have several additional ideas. Preparing to Work in HR Why not interview several successful HR managers in your community to seek out their advice about getting into the field of HR and how you can prepare. Many HR people are willing to do these informational interviews. At these interviews, you can find out what degrees and qualifications they seek in your local area for an HR hire.Rather than reaching across the world for advice, your best bet is to get it from the people who might eventually consider hiring youwhere you live and want to work. For example, in the US, certifications are more important in bigger companies and in the large cities such as Chicago, Detroit, New York, and Houston. In smaller companies, theyre rarely needed.The informational interviews that you participate in are also a way to get your name, as a person who is interested in HR, out into your community. When an employer knows that you are available and interested, the employer may decide not to advertise any open position. Is there any way that you can take on additional tasks in your current job that take you in the HR direction? Many people started in HR by doing payroll as an example. Talk to your boss and your companys HR person about your goal and get advice. Maybe there are ways the departments can share you.In one client company, the controller asked to become more involved in the HR dep artment and the HR VP was delighted to have a responsible platzset of hands to expand HR services. The controller got to know the field and became the confidant of the HR VP and also earned her Masters degree in HR. This was a big win for the company. Work with a decent resume writer or your college career services office to take your accounting experience and make it sound useful in an HR department. Numbers people are always needed in HR, so perhaps this experience can provide a bridge into an HR career. Customizing your resume to emphasize the skills and experience needed in HR is vital.Can you take a brief leave to do an HR internship? Internships give you the hands-on experience that you need to launch your HR career. Consider part-time or four days a week at your current job if your employer is willing to allow flexibility. If you have no grad degree in HR or business, consider that they are becoming more important in HR and might make you more employable. Apply for HR Jobs Without Experience You can apply for the HR positions that require experience. Work with your resume and titelbild letter to make your current skills and tasks relevant to HR, and apply. Here are some thoughts on getting into HR and how you can find out about HR jobs where you want to live and work. Readers Share Transition Stories Thoughts on transitioning to HR from another field.How to transition into HR.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Sneaky Way Your Boss Is Trying to Say Youre on the Promotion Track

The Sneaky Way Your Boss Is Trying to Say Youre on the Promotion TrackThe Sneaky Way Your Boss Is Trying to Say Youre on the Promotion Track Having a professional role that both engages and challenges you is a cornerstone of job fit. Savvy managers are aware of this, and make team members professional development a priority.Glassdoors recent report Why Workers Quit implicates career stagnation as a leading cause of turnover. Morgan Smart, Glassdoor Data Scientist who authored the report, writes It should come as little surprise that employers who offer attractive culture and values and provide clear upward career paths for employees are more likely to retain workers who are looking for the next job in their careers.A stretch assignment is one way your employer can provide that path and keep you engaged in your role. Its a nod that management recognizes your diligence, skill and talent and has confidence in your ability to take it to the next level. Mikaela Kiner, fo under and CEO with uniquelyHR , explains that A stretch assignment might be deliberately created to advance talented employees, or it may be the result of organizational growth, an unexpected vacancy, or a new product or initiative.Whatever prompted you to earn the nod, youll recognize a stretch assignment because it seems a bit lofty. Kiner further explains The assignment should help you do one or more of the following Build new skills, increase your visibility, try out a new discipline or geography, or gain an experience like managing people that you havent had before. While this may seem a bit intimidating, Kiner assures Leadership will only ask you to take on a stretch assignment if they believe that you can do the work and that it will develop your skills.If youve been invited to take on a stretch assignment, and it stands to drive your career in a direction that excites you, consider taking the leap.Kiner asserts A higher volume of work is not a stretch assignment, its just m ore work To actually be a stretch assignment, it should enable you to grow in a new direction. Kiner explains The stretch should be interesting and challenging and include skills you want to learn or an opportunity to do something new. . . Its ok to feel a little intimidated but you should also be excited.Youre probably not totally ready for this, but thats the point. Management believes that you have the ability to stretch into this. Its a vote of confidence in your abilities, an investment in your potential.Kiner advises Dont be a perfectionist and pass up an opportunity just because its something youve never done before. You may worry that your performance rating will go down, and it might. But if you feel like this role is going to help you meet your long term career goals, then its worth it.Compare the possibility of taking too big a chance or not taking a big enough chance, which sounds more daunting?Taking this professional leap reciprocates the trust that your leadership tea m has shown in you. It shows leadership that you trust them too. In order for this to be a good experience, you need to ensure that management understands and supports you . Kiner points out that Taking on a stretch assignment is like being thrown in the deep end, and you dont want to be there without a life preserver.Your management team functions as that life preserver. Its important to discuss that as you work through the logistics of the assignment.There are times in every career when stretching is simply not possible, maybe there are child or elder care responsibilities that limit the number of hours you can work or another factor renders you spread too thin . Theres no shame in this. Its better to be clear about your limitations than to risk taking on more than is manageable.Kiner advises You have to be true to yourself. There may also be room to negotiate the details. . . Recognize and appreciate the opportunity by thanking the person who offered it to you. Acknowledge it a s a vote of confidence and let them know how much that means to you. Be honest about why its not the right choice for you now.Remember, if you have the bandwidth, consider embracing the opportunity. Kiner assures Most learning happens on the job, so behauptung are some of the best chances youll get to broaden your skillset.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

5 Meaningful Ways to Thank Employees This Holiday Season

5 Meaningful Ways to Thank Employees This Holiday Season 5 Meaningful Ways to Thank Employees This Holiday Season When it comes to thanking your employees with gifts, branded pens and gift baskets are good, but there are more meaningful ways to show your appreciation. Here are five things you can do this holiday season to break from from the generic employee gift-giving pattern and try something different. 1. Unexpected Perks You probably already offer your employees perks that provide an incentive for their hard work and dedication. The holiday season is a great time to give a little extra. Unexpected perks can cost your business very little, such as an extra day off, shortened work days during the holidays, casual dress days, or even the ability to work from home for a day or two. Or you can invest a little bit to give your employees an office party or a holiday bonus.   2. Handwritten Notes Take your holiday cards to a new level by handwriting a personal note to each of your employees. Specifically mention some of his or her biggest accomplishments during the year and express your gratitude for the hard work that was required to meet those goals. This is a great way to show your appreciation in a way that makes your employees feel valued by you and the company. 3. Business-Funded Family Days Many of us struggle with finding work-life balance in our day-to-day lives. Give your employees a chance to achieve the perfect balance for a day by paying for them to take a local day trip with their family for a little relaxation time. You can fund the entire day (admission fees, meals, travel), or you can give a gift card for part of the day, plus a free day off from work. This is not only meaningful for the employee receiving the gift, but he or she is also likely to come back refreshed and ready to be productive. 4. Practical, Personal Gifts You know a lot about your employees by working side-by-side with them on a daily basis. Let that knowledge guide your gift selection to ensure you are giving something that will be valued and appreciated by each employee. If an employee is into health and fitness, consider giving a fitness tracker or a healthy snack of the month subscription. If she has a candy addiction, a baskets filled with her favorites is a great idea. What about the employee who loves his pets? Giving a gift that is meant for hiis cat or dog can be the perfect pick. 5. Dinner with the Team If you have a relatively small team, you can treat everyone to dinner to show your appreciation and create an opportunity for team bonding. Consider taking everyone out to a favorite local restaurant, then pick up the tab. Or, consider hosting dinner at your house for a relaxed and enjoyable evening. It doesnt matter if you cook the meal yourself or have it catered, the end result is the same: time to unwind and let your employees know how much your appreciate their hard work. Small businesses generally do not have big budgets for gift giving, but that doesnt mean you have to skip showing your appreciation to your employees or simply go with the quick and easy options. These and other meaningful gift ideas will help you thank your employees for their hard work over the year.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Types of Employee Benefits and Perks

Types of Employee Benefits and Perks Types of Employee Benefits and Perks What are employee benefits? What benefits and perks can you expect to receive when youre hired by a company? An employee benefits package includes all the non-wage benefits, like insurance and paid time off, provided by an employer. There are some types of employee benefits that are mandated by law, including minimum wage, overtime, leave under the Family Medical Leave Act, unemployment, and workers compensation and disability. There are other types of employee benefits that companies  are not required to offer, but choose to provide to their employees. There are some benefits and perks you may be able to negotiate as part of your compensation package when youve been offered a new job. Employee Benefits Employee benefits are non-salary compensation that can vary from company to company. Benefits are indirect and non-cash payments within a compensation package.    They are provided by organizations in addition to salary to create a competitive package for the potential employee. Mandated Employee Benefits The following are compensation and benefits that employers are required by federal or state law to provide.   COBRADisabilityFamily and Medical Leave ActMinimum WageOvertimeUnemployment BenefitsWorkers Compensation Types of Employer-Provided Benefits and Perks In addition to benefits required by law, other benefits are provided by companies because they feel socially responsible to their employees and opt to offer them more than is required by law. Depending on the company, these benefits may include health insurance (required to be offered by larger companies), dental insurance, vision care, life insurance, paid vacation leave, personal leave,  sick leave, child care, fitness, a retirement plan, and other optional benefits offered to employees and their families. These types of employee benefits that are offered are at the discretion of the employer or are covered under a labor agreement, so they will vary from company to company. According to the  Bureau of Labor Statistics,  the average number of annual  paid holidays  is 10. The average amount of vacation days are 9.4 after a year of service. Almost half the (medium and large) employers surveyed offered either a defined benefit or a defined contribution pension plan. About 75% offered  health insurance, but almost all required some employee contribution towards the cost. Its not hard to look at the averages and see how your employer or your job offer measures up. In addition, there is an increasing use of bonuses, perks, and incentives by employers to recruit and retain employees. Look at the companies rated the  best places to work  and youll discover many offer health club memberships, flexible schedules, daycare, tuition reimbursement, and even on-site dry cleaning. 1:32 Watch Now: 9 Benefits Employees Really Want Employer-Provided Health Insurance Requirements Under the  Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act  (Obamacare), minimum standards are set for health insurance companies regarding services and coverage. Most employers  with 50 or more employees  are required to offer health care plans, and individuals are required to have coverage.  Health care exchanges have been set up for employees who arent covered by employers or who elect to seek coverage outside their employer plans.   Health Insurance Options Most employers present staff with group medical insurance plans to assist workers with health care costs.  Employers often provide a menu of options for health care plans including Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs).   Deductibles (how much workers must pay before insurance kicks in) co-pays required for specific services and premiums for plans vary. HMOs tend to have lower premiums than PPOs, but more restrictions in terms of the physicians and providers who can be accessed.   Plans will differ regarding the maximum out-of-pocket expenses that an employee would need to shoulder during a plan year. Health Insurance Coverage Most plans provide coverage for visits to primary care physicians and specialists, hospitalization, and emergency care. Alternative medical care, wellness, prescription, vision, and dental care coverage will vary by the plan and employer. Employers are required to provide health care to employees who work at least 30 hours per week.  Some part-time workers are covered by employer plans, but many are not covered.   Some employers provide an incentive for employees to opt out of their plan.   Recent trends indicate that employers are asking workers to shoulder an increasing percentage of the premium for plans. Dental Care Plan Coverage Companies with dental care benefits offer insurance that helps pay a portion of the cost for dental treatment and care. Depending on the company’s policy for dental care benefits, dental coverage includes a range of treatments and procedures. Most insurance plans cover the basic procedures such as routine teeth cleaning every six months. Dental care plans can vary from company to company, but they typically include three categories:  Preventive, Basic, and Major services, which vary from semi-annual cleanings to oral surgeries. Preventative dental benefits include exams, x-rays, sealants, fluoride treatments, and children’s basic care. Basic services would also include fillings, emergency pain relief, root canals, and dental crowns. Finally, Major services can include bridgework, wisdom teeth removal, dentures, and other complex procedures. Some plans cover all practices, like orthodontic work in addition to basic dental care. The actual benefits of dental care plans are calculated in several ways. Some companies base their coverage on usual, customary, and reasonable (UCR) fees, while others consider the inclusions on account of a fixed fee schedule or table of allowances. Knowing the benefits and exclusions of your Dental Plan can allow you to evade unexpected fees and co-pays. If you have to pay for dental coverage through your employer, heres how to determine whether its worth the expense. More Company-Provided Employee Benefits These types of employee benefits that are offered are at the discretion of the employer or are covered under a labor agreement, so they will vary from company to company. Hazard PayMaternity, Paternity, and Adoption LeavePaid HolidaysPay RaiseSeverance PayVacation LeaveWork Breaks and Meal Breaks ?Fringe Benefits and Perks Other benefits can vary between industries and businesses and are sometimes referred to as “fringe” benefits. These perks, also known as “benefits in kind” can include bonuses, profit sharing, medical, disability, and life insurance, paid vacations, free meals, use of a company car, pensions, stock options, childcare, gratuity, company holidays, personal days,  sick leave, other time off from work, retirement and pension plan contributions, tuition assistance or reimbursement for employees and/or their families, discounts on company products and services, housing, and other benefits and perks that are provided by companies in addition to the employees salary. While these benefits are meaningful and do hold monetary value, the employee’s salary remains the same, and the employee cannot “cash in” or trade the offers for a higher salary.  Fringe benefits are not required by law and vary from employer to employer.   Review Your Employee Benefits Package Whether you are job searching, deciding on a job offer, or happily employed, its important to review what benefit coverage is provided by the company and to decide whether the employee benefits package is one that fully meets your needs. Its also important to take full advantage of what the company provides to employees. Questions to Ask There are employee benefits questions you should ask, to ensure that your overall compensation plan is right for you and for your family. Also, ask specific questions based on your needs and on the criteria that are important to you.

Monday, November 18, 2019

How to prepare for an interview according to Silicon Valley

How to prepare for an interview according to Silicon Valley How to prepare for an interview according to Silicon Valley Ever wonder what  Silicon Valley  and the  endless slew of tech jobs  coming to Washington, DC [or your area] look for in their candidates?  We caught up with  Yelp  Sales Recruiter  Kendall Sims  for some insider tips on interview prep, how to stand out, and more.With heightened competition for tech jobs, what makes an applicant stand out?“The applicants who stand out the most are the ones who are  great communicators,” says Sims.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!“They are engaging and good at being themselves. We have a five-star training program, that will teach you everything about Yelp, the products, and how to be successful in the role. But we also look for soft skillsâ€" someone who is eager to learn and coachable.”What are the best ways to prepare for an interview at Yelp?“One of the best ways to prepare for an interview at Yelp is to do your research. We se nd over a couple of links to read before the interview that give candidates information on the role, the product, and all things Yelp. Yes, we’re  interviewing  you, but this is also an opportunity for you to learn more about the company and see if the position and company are a good fit for you.”What is the best way to follow up?“The best way to follow up after an interview is with a detailed  thank you note. Shoot your interviewer over an email thanking them for their time, mention a specific takeaway you had from the interview and restate your interest in the position. It’s a small gesture that can go a long way.”Is there anything an applicant should not mention during the interview?“Speaking negatively about a previous employer is always a definite interview don’t. You can speak about why previous employment ended while still keeping it positive and professional.”Is there anything an applicant should not do during an interview?“One of the biggest things that yo u do not want to do during an interview is be disengaged. Stay in the moment â€" actively listen and participate in productive conversation. It’s important that you stay engaged, so that you don’t miss anything, but most importantly so your recruiter/interviewer knows that you’re interested in and excited about the role.”And what should we be doing during the interview?“Take notes and ask questions. You’ll get a lot of information during your interview process that could be helpful when making a decision about the role. Ask questions. If something is unclear during the interview, then make sure you speak up and ask for clarity. Once again, we’re interviewing you, but you’re also interviewing us.”“Have some questions prepared as well. Is there something about the role, the company or your interviewer’s experience that you’re curious about? Make sure you ask those questions during your interview. Your interviewer will always be more than happy to answer you. La stly and most importantly, relax and be yourself.”What’s your biggest gripe about all the resumes you’ve reviewed?“The biggest resume gripe is any type of grammatical or spelling errors. Your resume is like your personal flyer. Double check it and then have a friend or family member triple check it. It should be as perfect as you can get it.”What’s the perfect pre-interview checklist look like?Do your research“The perfect interview checklist always starts with research. Make sure you understand what you’re interviewing for and be prepared to speak on why you’re interested in the role.”Set an alarm“If you’re going to an in-person interview or having a Skype interview, set an alarm. It’s always good to be early to an interview. It will definitely make you feel a bit more relaxed, prepared, and ready to nail it.”Plan everything out“Take care of all of the fine details. Are you traveling? Plan out your route and make sure you’re giving yourself enough tim e to arrive early. Having a  phone interview? Make sure you’re ready for the call in a quiet area.”This article originally appeared on Capitol Standard.  You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Cover Letter Tips for College Students

Cover Letter Tips for College Students Cover Letter Tips for College Students When youre applying for jobs and internships, including a? well-written cover letter with your application is important. Writing a compelling cover letter is a critical component of an effective job search for college students. A well thought out cover letter will show employers that you are a motivated candidate and place a high value on their employment opportunity. A quality letter will convey to employers both why you are interested in the job or internship, and how your background will enable you to excel in the position. Finally, your cover letter serves as a writing sample and will demonstrate to employers that you can communicate logically and effectively. Here are some tips to help you write the best possible cover letters. Top 10 Cover Letter Tips for College Students Carefully Research Your Target Job prior to starting to write your letter. Assess the skills, knowledge, education, experience and personal qualities required for success. Some of this will be evident from the job advertisement that the employer has provided. Supplement this information by conducting informational interviews with alumni in the field. Ask them what it takes to excel in that role. Consult your colleges career office for suggestions about other resources of information about the field. Make a List of the Assets in Your Background which corresponds most closely to the requirements for the job. Your assets can be skills, coursework, knowledge, experiences, personal qualities, honors,  awards, motivations or interests. Aim to compile a list of 7 - 10 reasons why the employer should hire you for that job or internship.For Each Asset Put Together a Phrase referencing how you have tapped that strength to succeed in a role, project, job or activity. For example, My persuasive skills enabled me to expand membership in the sorority by 25%. In some cases, more than one asset can be strung together with a particular statement of proof like Strong writing, research, and interviewing skills contributed to my success as a reporter for the school newspaper. Weaving together these phrases will form the core of your letter. In Your First Paragraph Make Sure You Reference the Specific Position or category of jobs for which you would like consideration. If anyone known to the employer (like an alum who works there!) has referred you to the opportunity, make sure you mention their name towards the beginning of your letter. A tone of enthusiasm and a strong statement of interest should be reflected in your first paragraph. Some candidates will use a brief thesis statement at the end of the first paragraph to demonstrate their interest and summarize their fit. For example, My fascination with numbers combined with my strong accounting skills and mathematics minor should help me to make a solid contribution in this role. Use Short Paragraphs so that employers can quickly scan your document without being overwhelmed by large blocks of text. Try to limit paragraphs to seven  or fewer lines of text.Use Action or Skills Verbs like created, increased, calculated, analyzed, initiated, and reorganized to portray your background in a dynamic way.Employers of College Graduates Are Often Looking for Future Leaders for their organization. Include statements in your letter that showcase any successful leadership role you have played with student organizations, teams or academic groups. Showcase Any Recognition You Have Received by former employers, coaches or faculty to highlight key assets. For example My supervisor designated me as shift leader due to my ability to orient and motivate fellow staff members.If You Are Searching for a Position Distant From Your Campus or Home Area, Make It Seem Easy for an employer to interview you by mentioning when you might be in their area. For example, I will be visiting your area during my upcoming spring break, might we meet for an interview at that time? Use a Strong Closing to Reaffirm Your High Level of Interest and belief that the position is an excellent match. For positions outside of the campus recruiting program, consider including a  statement that you will contact them to follow up on your letter and explore the possibility of arranging an interview. Following these suggestions and composing a strong cover letter will show employers that you are serious about the job at hand and willing to work hard to achieve your goals. Review a Sample Letter Your NameYour AddressCity, State ZipYour Phone NumberYour Email AddressDateRecipient NameRecipient TitleRecipient CompanyRecipient’s Company’s AddressCity, State ZipDear Mr./Mrs. Lastname (if known or use “Dear Hiring Manager”),I am writing to apply for the position of entry-level graphic designer as posted on the careers page of the Game Lab website. It looks like an amazing opportunity, and Im excited to see how well my skills match the qualifications in the job description. In two weeks, I will be graduating from Western State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts with a major in graphic design, and I’m ready to begin my career as soon as possible.I believe I would be an excellent fit for the designer position because of my education and collaborative nature. While at WSU, I excelled at both 2D and 3D animation. I am also experienced with all Adobe programs, Maya, and more. In addition, during my junior and senior years, I was president of the Visual Arts Club, and I e njoy collaborating with other artists and digital experts to create unique projects.If you have any questions or wish to know more about my qualifications or view my portfolio, please do not hesitate to contact me. My cell phone number is 555-555-5555, and my email is look forward to hearing from you about this exciting position.Sincerely,Your signature (hard copy letter)Your Typed Name Expand Note: When youre sending an email cover letter, list your contact information under your typed name rather than at the top of the message.